In The News
Singer Associates News

Mission Bay Alliance Hires Top Legal Team to Review Golden State Warriors’ Arena Plan

June 1, 2015

San Francisco (June 1, 2015)  – The Mission Bay Alliance, a Singer Associates, Inc. client greatly concerned with the grave environmental impact of the proposed Golden State Warriors’ Stadium and Events Center on the entire Mission Bay Community including the UCSF Mission Bay Campus, has retained four major law firms including some of the state’s top legal minds [...]

BP Really Wants You to Think the Gulf Is OK

April 21, 2015

By Jason Plautz  On the fifth anniversary of the massive oil spill that spewed more than 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, environmentalists are ready to dredge up the pictures of oil-coated birds and tar balls lapping up onto beaches. At a Thursday press conference, Democratic Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts held [...]

Singer Associates named Small PR Agency of the Year

March 20, 2015

By PRWeek Staff In 2014, revenue at Singer Associates doubled to $9 million from $4.5 million in 2013. The agency’s profit climbed to 26% in 2014 from 20% the year prior. The firm achieved this impressive growth while tackling difficult and high-profile issues for clients including helping Chevron win out over fraudulent litigation in Ecuador. [...]

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