Lago Agrio Plaintiffs’ New York Lobbying and Political Influence Campaign Exposed

The Amazon Post, October 10, 2011

On October 7, 2011, Chevron submitted to the office of the New York State Comptroller a request under New York’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) for documents regarding connections between the Comptroller’s office and plaintiffs’ representatives. Chevron is seeking documents under FOIL in order to shed further light on the assistance provided by Comptroller DiNapoli and his predecessor, Alan Hevesi, to the plaintiffs’ lawyers and consultants involved in the fraudulent litigation against Chevron. Documentary evidence obtained through U.S. court-ordered discovery reveals a connection between financial contributions made by the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ representatives and the Comptroller’s issuance of official public statements in support of the plaintiffs.

A copy of Chevron’s FOIL request may be downloaded here along with supporting documentation at here and here.

Additional documents from Chevron’s court filings that detail the relationship between New York elected officials and the plaintiffs’ representatives can be found here:

[FAC Ex. EW] WOODS-HDD-0091355.pdf
[FAC Ex. EX] DONZ-HDD-0099646.pdf
[FAC Ex. EY] DONZ00030903.pdf
[FAC EX. CZ] WOODS-HDD-0101539.pdf
[FAC Ex. DV] Tab – 14.pdf
[FAC Ex. DW] Tab – 17.pdf
[FAC Ex. EC] Tab – 13.pdf
[FAC Ex. ED] Tab – 01.pdf
[FAC Ex. EE] Tab – 02.pdf
[FAC Ex. EQ] DONZ00095954.pdf
[FAC Ex. EV] WOODS-HDD-0101564.pdf