Calpine Moves Forward with Construction of  Green Power Plant in Hayward–Creates 700 Jobs

By Zennie Abraham –

Two years ago, Calpine Energy Company embarked on an effort to build a new power plant in Hayward that has a voluntary cap on greenhouse gas emissions. The project was considered controversial by those who would bring up any reason to stop the nature of job growth: construction and commerce.

Fortunately, Calpine was able to move forward, and did so by building a good relationship with the City of Hayward. This blogger talked to Norma Dunn about the-then proposed Rusell Energy Center in 2009:

Now, it’s one of the largest construction projects in the Bay Area is underway right now in Hayward with 200 workers on site. Here’s Calpine’s description of the project:

The Russell City Energy Center is a proposed 619-megawatt combined-cycle electric generating facility that will bring much-needed energy capacity to western Alameda county and the San Francisco peninsula. The facility will serve the needs of 600,000 households. The Energy Center, which will use clean, natural gas for fuel, will allow for a greater than 90 percent reduction of emissions and will be 40 percent more fuel efficient than older, fossil-fueled generating facilities in the Bay Area.

To celebrate the beginning of construction, Calpine CEO Jack Fusco will be on the construction site Wednesday to celebrate this milestone as the construction project ramps up to create 700 total construction jobs.

Calpine will also be presenting a $10 million check to the City of Hayward to build a new library.

Calpine Has Job Openings

For those job seekers reading this and thinking “does Capline have jobs open” the answer is “yes.” According to a link this blogger discovered while searching, Calpine has 69 positions available mostly in Haward and Pittsburgh, Ca., and for titles like Field Construction Engineer and Administration Assistant. Click here – Calpine Jobs – for more information.

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