In The News
Singer Associates News

Journalist flees Ecuador after clash with country’s president

August 29, 2011

Emilio Palacio issued a letter from Miami on Sunday saying he feared for his safety because of new pressures from what he called "the dictatorship."

Developers eye Transbay blocks

August 26, 2011

The project will be the first major development on the north side of Folsom Street, which is being redeveloped as a pedestrian-friendly "main street" linking Transbay district and Rincon Hill to the south.

Builders show confidence in the Tri-Valley

August 26, 2011

After years of work, the Army and SunCal properties executed a deal that will require the developer to build five structures on the base. In exchange, the Army will transfer 180 acres -- the biggest land transfer ever for the Army -- to the company for development along Dublin Boulevard.

A hopeful vision for the future of Richmond

August 24, 2011

Situated in one of the most vibrant metropolitan areas in the world, the Bay Area, and near an untapped waterfront, major highways, and the San Rafael Bridge, North Richmond’s eventual turn for the better seems inevitable.

Freedom of the press in Ecuador – A chill descends

July 25, 2011

The Economist writes about the Ecuadorian judge's ruling that sentences the owners and former editor of the country's largest newspaper to three years in prison and $40 million in fines for libel against President Rafael Correa.

Bohemian Club prepares for Thursday variety show

July 25, 2011

The Bohemian Club of San Francisco is preparing for the 100th annual Monte Rio Variety Show, an event it hosts every year as a way to give back to the Russian River communities.

Third-Party Litigation Financing and the Chevron Case

July 18, 2011

The Chamber of Commerce blog writes about the Chevron Ecuador case and the funding agreement between Burford Capital and the plaintiffs' trial lawyers.

Chevron Looks to Its Home Court for a Comeback Win

July 14, 2011

Bloomberg Businessweek profiles the Chevron Ecuador case and recent legal developments in United States.

San Francisco Public Relations Agency Singer Associates vs. the President of the AFL-CIO

July 6, 2011

The Citizen covers the lengths Sam Singer and Singer Associates Inc. are willing to go to make sure the wants and needs of their clients are addressed.

Cal Pacific Pledges $1 Billion Community Benefit Plan to Build SF Hospitals, Facilities

July 5, 2011

California Pacific Medical Center offers a Community Benefit Plan worth $1.1 billion to provide health care services to the poor and uninsured, in addition to building two new, earthquake-safe hospitals and creating a Citywide network of care in San Francisco.

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